Easy Veg Noodle Soup

Soups are healthy , nutritious and quick meal any time. But as for most food items the most healthier it is the less tastier would it be and when it is most tastiest then it will be least healthy. I would not consider mine the healthiest soup recipe but it is much better than the calorie filled ones available in market. For a soup to be real healthy it should consist of just the vegetables and the water in which it is cooked with minimal spices and seasonings. And for the soup to be real tasty it should consist of some seasoning , spices , your favorite vegetables and finally as a finishing touch . the heavenly cream . The recipe which I have given here is my own, it may not be authentic but its Indianised in flavor and does not use high calorie ingredients . I would count it as a good healthy light dinner . You may try it out if it sounds tasty and if it tastes tasty too please post comment. If you have more tips you are most welcome.

Serves 4

  • Vegetables - Romaine lettuce, Iceberg lettuce, Red onions, Radish, Carrots, Snow Peas, Red cabbage, Beans  ( all sliced lengthwise) - 1 cup
    1 medium sized onion - chopped finely
  • 1/2 capsicum- cubed
  • 1 inch piece ginger- finely chopped
  • 3 garlic pods -finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons pepper powder
  • salt as needed
  • Cornflour - 1 tablespoon
  • Maggi tastemaker cube- 1 or knor soup tastemaker- 1 cube ( As mostly it is chicken flavored , if you want a pure vegetable soup you can add a pinch of garam masala to flavor)
  • Milk - 2 cups

How to Prepare:

Step 1: Noodles 
Boil 4 cups water . Cook the noodles in double amount boiling water ,adding enough salt and a teaspoon of oil.

Step 2: Boil the vegetables. 
Boil or steam all the cut vegetables in very little water for about 5 minutes till it is cooked. It should be cooked but crispy and not soggy.

Step 3: In a flat pan add one tablespoon olive oil (If you want more taste than health ,then u can add butter) , add the chopped ginger and garlic and cook . Add the chopped onions and saute till it turns transparent. Add the vegetables and mix well. Add one cup milk and let it cook together. Add needed salt and pepper to taste. Add a pinch of garam masala /tastemaker dissolved in little milk to the cooking vegetables. When it is three forth done mix cornflour with one cup milk and add it to the soup . This is to thicken the soup , you can avoid it if you want thin and healthy soup. Add the cooked noodles to the soup and mix well.

Step 4: Serve hot with salt , freshly ground pepper and if you want little more flavor a drop of soy sauce.Garnish with Croutons , it will also taste good with the soup. 

Tips: If you want to make chicken noodle soup , add sauted boneless chicken pieces /cooked chicken pieces marinated with pepper and salt into this soup mix.

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