Masala Bread Toast

This is one of my favorites among the snacks my mom makes. It is a tasty snack that can be also had as a breakfast item or as a light dinner too. It can be made as a sweet dish without the spices mentioned in this recipe, but that is the normal version of it which everybody makes at home. So I thought I will give a better tasting and variety recipe for you today, to try at home. It is also a  great snack to prepare for your kids when they come hungry and tired from school.

  • White Bread slices- 6 (The edges can be cut off or maintained, both works well )
  • Eggs - 3 
  • Milk- to make the batter (Optional- here I have not used. But you can use it if you are comfortable with thin batter)
  • Salt as needed
  • Red chilly powder- 1 tablespoon
  • Garam masala / chaat masala - 1 tablespoon
  • 1 medium onion- finely chopped
  • 1/4 inch ginger - finely chopped
  • 1 garlic pod- finely chopped
How to prepare:
Step 1: Masala
Grind the onions, ginger and garlic to a fine paste. This is the basic masala for the dish.

Step 2: Batter 
Beat the eggs well using a whisk till it is smooth, add salt ,red chilly powder and garam masala. Again whisk well. Add the ground masala paste and mix well. Keep it for about 10 minutes. 

Step3: Shallow fry
Smear one tablespoon oil on a non stick pan and shallow fry all the pieces in it flipping to both sides till it turns brown and crisp. 

Step 4: Serve hot with tomato sauce . 

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