Coconut Barfi

This is a sweet dish which as its name implies ,full of coconut. This name itself brings back memories of my loving grandma ,she used to prepare this sweet dish which we named coconut toffee . It was so tasty and in those days when I never used to eat much sweets , I ate this one sweet prepared by her - just none could resist it as it was so unique. I think the main secret ingredient would be the fresh and juicy coconut that is available there. The other secret ingredient  she uses is - lots of love ,which was what made her dishes so unique . I miss you ammamma ,you were so loving and caring. Whenever I prepare this dish its in your memory. Even now after so many years I must admit that I have never tasted another as good as the one she made .
 My method of doing it is not the traditional one , I opt easy , quick method and uses readily available ingredients.  You can make this in microwave also but the stove top cooking has its unbeatable taste.

  •  Fresh grated coconut -4 cups (I use the deliciously moist coconut available in the baking section of grocery stores)
  • Sweetened condensed milk- 14oz.can
  • Cardamom powder- 1 teaspoon
How to Prepare:

Step 1: Dry roast the coconut in a flat bottomed pan till a nice aroma comes . Keep stirring to avoid burning at the bottom. Add the sweetened condensed milk and stir well . Keep stirring till it gets absorbed fully and the coconut starts becoming thick and attains a barfu consistency. Add the cardamom powder and mix well. Remove from flame. 

Step2: Grease a flat plate with butter. Spread the coconut mix over it using a spoon and when it is warm to touch, gently press with your hand so that the mix is spread evenly on the plate . Refrigerate it for one hour (not more)

Step3: Lightly butter a knife and cut the barfi into desired shapes, most often diamond shapes are seen for Indian sweets. If you want you can garnish with almonds . 

Step4: Serve at room temperature. You can store in fridge for a longer shelf life but it tastes good at room temperature ,so keep it out a while before serving.

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