Iyengar bakery Style Open Bread Sandwich

This is an easy and presentable snack which can be made any time for any age group. Though I have not tasted the original bakery ones I got a chance to see it at a friends place recently. Today I did not have any snack for evening tea and I was feeling lazy to make anything too but at the same time wanted something. I was sure my hubby also would come hungry after a long day in office. Being a weekend I didnt want to start in starvation so decided to make some simple and easy snack. I gave a search for sandwiches in different blogs as the only raw material I had at home was bread. I found this colorful easy and tasy recipe and decided to try it out. Both of us like it a lot and now I know what to make when such a situation arises again. You can grill it also to make it more convenient to pack for kids in lunch box but if its for an instant evening snack I would prefer an open type.

  • Bread slices -6
  • 1 medium sized onion chopped finely
  • 2 tablespoon -finely chopped cilantro (coriander leaves)
  • 1/2 tablespoon -Turmeric powder
  • 1 tablespoon chilly powder
  • Salt as needed
  • 2 tablespoons -Tomato sauce
  • 3 tablespoons - Grated carrots
  • Green chilly - 1 (Optional)

How to Prepare:

Step 1: Cut the edges of bread slices and divide each piece into half. 
Smear ghee on both sides and toast it either in the toaster or using the griddle. Keep it aside.

Step 2: Heat 1 tablespoon canola oil , add the chopped onions saute them for just a minute . Add the grated carrots and saute to mix them well. Add the powders and salt .Mix well. Add the chopped cilantro. Switch off flame and add the tomato sauce. Mix well. the mix should not be overcooked , it should be little crunchy but the raw taste of vegetables should not be there. Also add little tomato sauce to flavour , do not make it soggy and watery. 

Step 3: Spread the mixture on one side of the bread slice and serve . 

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