Mango delight

A very tasty , easy and presentable dessert. Most of us love mangoes and any dessert or smoothie with mango brings a smile to all faces. I made this dessert for my birthday this year as we had some special guests too joining us. It is a make ahead  dessert which needs little "dressing up and finishing touches" at the moment of serving. I appreciate my guest's patience in providing me the time for taking this snap. They were excited about the mango dessert after a heavy meal, still they encouraged me to go ahead and take the snap for this blog.

It is an easy to make dessert (in USA) as here we get all the ingredients in easy canned form. It needs just three main ingredients for the main part and the garnishing is according to your creativity and choice.

Serves 6

  • Mango pulp - 2 cups (It has almost three cups , you can use the needful and freeze the rest for future use)
  • Vanilla ice cream - 2 cups 
  • Whole milk - 1 cup
  • Nuts to garnish (I used pecan , almonds and pista) 
  • Strawberry to garnish (It goes well with the taste of the dessert and makes a colorful presentation too)
  •  You can substitute with cherries or grapes too according to availability and choice of taste.
Option : You can make mango icecream by just freezing the mix made in Step 1, and then serving it with a simple nut garnish.

How to Prepare:

Step 1: Mix together the mango pulp, ice cream and milk in a blender and transfer to an airtight container. Refrigerate it till it is used. Keep chilled

Step 2: When it is ready to serve, take a small dessert cup. Fill 1/4 of the cup with mango cream preparation and on it carefully place a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Sprinkle all the chopped or grated nuts on it to garnish. Lay one strawberry for color. You colorful tasty dessert is ready to go.........Enjoy !


  1. It brought a huuuge smile to my face... Thanks for sharing it shilpa... It was delicious... A great and easy dessert!!

  2. I tried this yesterday n cameout well..SUPERB!!!!
