Pazham Nurukku

This is an easy and tasty dish that you can prepare as Nivedhyam. Anyone with a sweet tooth will like it , specially kids. And it is made of ripe plantains which will instantly make it a favorite item among Keralites. 
 If not for Nivedhyam you can also make it as an evening snack for kids or for elders who are sweet lovers. It can be stored in fridge and used later too , but it tastes best when fresh and hot.

Serves 4

  • Ripe Plantain (Not overripe, just medium) - 2 
  • Jaggery - grated- 1/2 cup
  • Grated coconut - 1/2 cup
  • Ghee- 2 tablespoons (If not for Nivedhyam you can avoid this )
  • Raisins and cashews for garnish
  • Cardamom powder -a pinch

How to Prepare:

Step 1: Boil 2 cups water and when its in bubbling stage add the chopped plantains. Let it cook till it turns yellow in color. 

Step 2: Add the grated jaggery and let the mix thicken with the jaggery coating the plantain pieces well.

Step 3: Add the grated coconut and mix well. Add the cardamom powder and mix well. Add the ghee and mix well.Switch off flame. 

Step 4: Garnish with raisins and cashews. Serve hot. 

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